Next Generation home
With no seepage, pest free and energy efficient walls.
Remember the days of disposable cameras and dialling •Ùüè÷Ì¢å‫€_åÒ69 to see who called you•Ùüè÷Ì¢å‫Ìâå? Thanks to the technological enhancement, those days are long gone.
So, what about our homes/structures?
Are we still constructing our homes in the same old fashioned way? With pest and water seeping in, like insects?
If yes, why do that even when there are revolutionary, more dependable choices available. One of this very evident choices is using AAC Blocks (MagicBlox) instead of red bricks at the construction site because AAC Blocks have low weight, high strength and durability, and eco-friendly green features. Doing that not only provides you a next generation energy efficient homes but it also helps in cutting down cost, extensively!
Things that happen when an occupant chooses to live in an AAC constructed house.
1- No more Water Seepage
With AAC•Ùüè÷Ì¢å‫̢åãè÷s microscopic structure, it does not allow capillary action, making it impervious to water. Its water barrier properties are further enhanced by silicon based additives which provides excellent water resistant homes.
On an average, every 3-4 years, red bricks houses have to be plastered/repainted in order to eradicate the seepage.
2- Cutting down Air conditioning cost
The average unit consumption per day per customer is 7-9 KWh. This comes down to 3-4 KWh, if the house is built with AAC Blocks (Magic Blocks).
It has the highest thermal rating in the industry R30! Its cellular structure provides well insulated interiors, keeping out warm air in summers and further reducing the air conditioning cost by upto 30 percent.
•ÙüåâÌâåÊ3- No more Pest Control required
Inside wall pesticide usually breakdown organic matter or close to the soil to suffice their stomach. With AAC, the root cause of pest is removed. AAC blocks (MagicBlox) are manufactured inorganically unlike red clay bricks which is made up of organic material like soul, so pest cannot penetrate or survive in its highly protected walls, saving those extra money spent in pest control every single year.
Also, the importance of pest control cannot be underestimated. Pesticides like rodents and insects carry infectious diseases, infest your kitchens and bedrooms, and bite you or your pets. The purpose of not having any kind of pest in your home, garage, or yard is to keep you & your family healthy and safe.
Leading a highly active next generation life which progresses with every new invention, it is high time we start looking into the safety and cost cutting of the homes that we built, taking advantage of the revolutionary AAC Blocks (MagicBlox).